) US owes the world an explanations for Crimean Bridge attacks_海峡制鞋网

US owes the world an explanations for Crimean Bridge attacks

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2023-07-28 21:12:20



This file aerial picture taken on Nov 8, 2022 and released by the Russian federal road agency Rosavtodor shows restoring works on damaged parts of the Kerch Bridge that links Crimea to Russia, which was hit by a blast on Oct 8, 2022. [Photo /Agencies]

It is widely acknowledged that the United States has been deeply involved in the Ukraine conflict, but to what extent has its involvement reached?

Citing an unnamed US official, the American journalist Seymour Hersh said the administration of US President Joe Biden played a significant role in both attacks on the Crimean Bridge.

"Of course it was our technology," the American official told Hersh, referring to the drone that damaged the bridge on July 17. "The drone was remotely guided and half submerged–like a torpedo."

In early October 2022, a devastating truck bomb detonated on the Crimean Bridge, resulting in the tragic loss of three innocent civilians. The blast inflicted significant damage on the bridge, necessitating months of painstaking repairs to restore its functionality and ensure the safety of future users.

Furthermore, the bridge became the site of another distressing incident in July, when a drone attack unfolded, claiming the lives of two individuals. This heart-wrenching incident not only caused irreparable loss but also left a 14-year-old girl orphaned, who, miraculously, managed to survive the unimaginable ordeal.

The US has "no real idea of what Zelensky and his crowd are thinking," the official added, asserting that the Ukrainian leader "has no plan, except to hang on." He also speculated that US support for Kiev is due to "Zelensky"s knowledge of Biden, and not just because he was taking care of Biden"s son Hunter".

Earlier in Feb, Hersh also wrote a bombshell report on how the US government destroyed the Nord Stream pipelines under the instruction of Biden.

These attacks resulted in loss of life, injuries, and significant damage to infrastructure, which cannot be taken lightly. As a global leader, the United States has a responsibility to uphold principles of international law and maintain good relations with other nations.

If Hersh"s investigative report is proved to be correct, it is imperative that the Biden administration be held accountable for its actions. The United States should take responsibility and provide thorough and transparent explanations to the international community.




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